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The power of LinkedIn to build a professional network and reinforce professional presence is unparalleled:

  • LinkedIn拥有超过1.5亿美国用户, 包括大约6个档案,000名艾格尼丝·斯科特校友.
  • Over 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates.


Think of your LinkedIn profile as your online resume and professional presence. You should keep your profile current as you network with alumnae, 申请实习, 研究或工作, 并在校园内外结识其他专业人士. Anyone you meet or any employer you apply to can look you up on Linkedin!

When someone searches for you or you ask to connect with someone, they'll see your:

  • Photo: make sure your profile image is clear, friendly and professional.
  • Headline: include keywords relevant to your career interests.
  • Location: you'll be able to choose a location description based on your zip code. 
  • 人脉:在你的共享网络中的人.
  • Contact: social media accounts, websites, blogs, and email addresses. 

接受邀请时要慎重. Be wary of people wanting to connect without a profile picture. Avoid invitations from complete strangers, unless you see a clear connection.


Employers who post jobs on LinkedIn receive an email notification each time a new applicant applies. 以下信息, 从申请人的领英个人资料中提取的, 是否包含在邮件通知中. It is critical that this information matches what is submitted in the job application:

  • Candidate’s name (should match the name on your resume)
  • 标题(候选人姓名下方).
    • Example: ____ major interested in a career in ______.
  • Current employment job title(s) (titles only, no employment details). You should ensure your title is clear and descriptive.
    • Example: instead of just “intern”, say “public relations intern.与其说“勤工俭学”,不如说“办公室助理”.”
  • Past employment job titles (titles only, no employment details).
  • Education (institution name only, no education details).
  • The number of recommendations (no recommendation details). Make sure you have some recommendations from faculty, supervisors and co-workers who know you well academically or professionally.
  • 连接数. 设定一个至少拥有50个的目标.
  • 联系信息. Your email address should be professional and up-to-date. Do not include your phone number or birthday for security reasons.

Employers “scan” this brief information to decide whether to investigate a candidate further. 


  • 包括一个相关的,引人入胜的总结. Unlike a resume, your profile is a first-person narrative. 让它变得有趣. 考虑:
    • 谁是你的听众??
    • What will motivate them to want to learn more about you?
    • 考虑给你一个面试机会?
  • 提到兴趣、经历和成就.
  • 在概要文件部分下添加示例. 包括写作范例, 视频(年代), 报告(来自课程作业), 社区参与, or job/research/internship) and other examples of your work. 链接到你的博客或社交媒体账户.
  • 列出相关技能. 在你的个人资料中至少添加五项相关技能. Research indicates that listing relevant skills in your profile makes it 31 times more likely to be found by recruiters and LinkedIn members.
  • 自定义URL. Put your cursor over your photo on the top right of the screen. 选择“查看配置文件”.” Click “Edit Public Profile and URL” and then the pencil icon. 试着用你的姓和名,不要有空格. This will make it easy to include your URL on your resume and business cards.

What can I do to connect with more people and opportunities?

LinkedIn is only as powerful as the number of people in your network. Set a goal of 50 connections to start, and then add a few new connections each week. LinkedIn会提供相关的联系建议. 关于建立人际关系网的建议:

  • 找到艾格尼丝·斯科特校友寻求建议. If you have 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 listed under Education on your profile, LinkedIn will help you connect with Agnes Scott alumnae. 你可以通过头衔、公司或关键字进行搜索. You can filter by graduation year, location, or workplace.
    • 当你伸出援手时, include a customized message to increase the chances of them accepting your request and responding. “你好, I’m a sophomore at Agnes Scott considering applying for the Kroger internship you have listed on your profile. 你有时间聊聊你的经历吗?”
    • 连接后跟进. 女校友 are usually willing to help students with informational interviews and career/organization insight, 如果你及时跟进, both when they initially respond to you and after they have given you advice.
  • 加入团体和专业协会. 这包括:
    • National chapters of organizations you are involved with, community groups, and groups in 关注的行业.
    • The Agnes Scott Internship and Career Development Group.
  • 与他人和团体互动.
    • “点赞”别人的文章.
    • 祝贺人们获得新职位, degrees or honors (you'll get notifications from LinkedIn for job anniversaries, 促销活动, 以及其他职业里程碑).
    • Publish an original post or ask a question to a group to establish your professional identity
    • Follow people companies, influencers, and industry leaders to follow news and gain insight.
    • Go to their profile and click the “More…” button on the right. 然后点击“关注”."

For more ideas, view your supervisors’, co-workers’ and faculty’s profiles and our career roadmaps.


访问 www.linkedin.com/jobs/ and to search for jobs by location and career interest. Use filter to view by date posted, company name, experience level, etc. 如果您喜欢您收到的搜索结果, activate the “Job Alert” at the top to notified of similar opportunities in the future.


  • 阅读职位公告 小心翼翼地. Make sure your profile indicates that you meet at least 70% of the qualifications, 包括前三名.
  • 要保存作业以供将来查看,请使用“跟踪作业”."
  • 在应用, reach out to the employer who posted the job on LinkedIn to share your interest in the role and let them know you applied.


A Basic LinkedIn account is free and recommended for students seeking part-time or internship positions. The Premium Career plan on LinkedIn may prove beneficial to students and alumnae seeking full-time employment. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 溢价.linkedin.com.
